I have been searching for ways to remember this pregnancy and I stumbled upon this! The blog is full of cute tutorials and ideas including her chalkboard pregnancy tracker! Im still working out how to successfully get a clear chalkboard image...did I miss the tutorial somewhere?!
(Pardon my cell phone pic...my camera charger should be arriving soon!)
Weeks total: 12
What's new: I've started noticing a small little bump coming thru...for the last week or so I've been calling it my food baby...I've been definitely eating more than I usually do!
Food cravings: None.
Stretch Marks: No new ones...phew
What I miss: RAW TUNA!
Baby moves: Not yet.
Sickness: Only in the meat department!
Sleep: Hardly...I miss sleeping on my stomach
Rings: On
Mood: Happy
Gender: Unknown