Wednesday, August 1, 2012

34 Weeks

Weeks total: 34
What's new: I am so excited to have my sister visiting! She will be here until after I have the baby. Its nice having someone to help do the small things through out the day and keep me company! 
Food cravings: Mexican food...Probably because I saw a commercial!
Stretch Marks: Nothing new that I can see! Im so thankful I don't have those huge purple marks! Those scare me!
What I miss: The ease of getting around. Just sitting in the car is uncomfortable. Ill definitely appreciate how easy it is to do things once Im not pregnant! 
Baby movement: He rolls like a wave! My husbands favorite part about pregnancy! He loves watching the baby move all over the place. You can see it from across the room its so intense!
Sickness: None
Sleep: Making it work with MANY pillows
Rings: On
Mood: So excited just thinking about what baby M will look like and just how big hes going to get! 
Gender: Baby boy

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